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Scrape, Scrub, 'n Screw

3 hrCustomer's Place

Service Description

The full shebang. A cruise or race-ready bottom, scraped and scrubbed front to back, with free anode changes where necessary. We'll also provide you with a visual inspection report of your bottom to let you know if any blistering or problems are present, and if the time is near (or past!) for a new ablative or other bottom job. Finally, we clear thru-hulls to ensure that you have a problem-free ride the next time out on the water. This is the ideal clean for travelers in the area who are unable to access regular cleaning schedules to keep their bottom in the best shape. (And nah, we don't mind looking for that pair of sunglasses you lost in the slip 2 months ago while we're down there...) *Boats over 50 feet in length may retain these rate levels for monthly service. *Severe cases may incur additional charges. If it's been a long while since your last cleaning or bottom job, reach out to us for details.

Contact Details

(386) 220-3420


Let US clean your bottom

Proudly serving the boating community of all of

Brevard County

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Tel: (386) 220-3420


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